Dr. S Chakraborty { Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery, GOVT. REGD. NO. - 65267 ( State Council of Unani Medicine W.B.) Member Council of Sex Education & Parenthood International (Mumbai) Member - Ayurbed Bigyan Parishad ( Kolkata) " Author" = Jauna Pratibedan Managing Director - Herbaid Pharmaceuticals} has many years extensive experience in treating all types of sexual problems & disorders. He is exually adept at administering ayurvedic sexual medicine using modern technological devices. He was invited delegate to World Sexologist Convention at World Congress of Sexologists in Hong Kong.
Sexuality is a strong force in human beings and consequently
a strong force in society. Sexuality is-a form of energy which
is present as a part of the total expression of our beings.
It has at least three functions for men and women, to give
the individual the experience of desire and satisfaction,
to create relationships among people and to create new life.
In every society sexuality is controlled by certain sexual
norms. These norms vary from culture to culture and are also
separate for men and women. Traditionally, while the men were
expected -to be the keepers of women's sexuality, the women
were expected to exercise restraint without voicing their
sexual needs, likes or dislikes. Men and women suffered silently
trying to conform to the 'prescribed', sexual roles. Nor were
there any avenues for them to express their sexual doubts
or problems. But today, gradually more and more people are
coming out in the open and are able to express their sexual
dissatisfaction, their needs, and want to discuss their sexual
He completed the course of Sexual Medical Counsellor and treatment of sexual disfunction under American sexologist Dr.Berry McCarthy (MD, Ph.D USA) was is course director.
He has set up a State-of-the-art herbal garden of medicinal plant at Nimta, 24 Pgs. and also established a phrmaceutical company named Herb Aid with a modern microbiology laboratory where some renowned scientists works under his supervision.And also manufacturing very powerful and most effective sexual medicines.He has been treating for the last 35 years as most
senior and experienced sexologist in calcutta.Many patients come here from European, Western & Middle East countries for better treatment.And here he use to treat by pathology, Radiology such as where he does penile colour doppler test, USG of testis and scrotum, Breast Coloured doppler test and various harmonal test such as Testosterone, Prolactive, LH.FSH, Thyroid t3, t4,TSH, Seminal fluid test etc.

Dr. S. Chakraborty is proprietor of a medicine manufacturing unit and microbiology laboratory situated at Narayanpur, Battala where some renowned scientist, experts do research on Indian herbs. He also cultivates a lot of medicianal plants and indian herbs.
Dr. S. Chakraborty and his expert team cultivates varities of medicinal plants at Dakhsin Nimta, beside Belgharia Station, Belgharia Expressway.