Dr. Sankar Dasmahapatra

Laparoscopic Surgery Specialist in Kolkata, India

DGO, MS, Fellowship in Gynaecological Lap Surgery (Sydney -Australia)
Consultant Gynaecologist & Obstetrician
Infertility Specialist & Lapaoscopic Surgeon

Scar Endometriosis Surgery in Kolkata India

by Dr. Sankar Dasmahapatra

Scar Endometriosis Surgery in Kolkata India

How do you treat chocolate cysts infertility?

For the chocolate cyst treatment, surgery can be an effective choice if the cyst is too big and the symptoms are severe. Surgical removal of cysts will be done if its size is greater than 4 centimeters to rule out the presence of a malignant tumor.

Can I get pregnant after removing a chocolate cyst?

If a woman plans to have in vitro fertilization (IVF), surgical removal of a cyst can make the procedure more difficult, and it is unlikely to increase the chances of becoming pregnant. For women who plan to get pregnant without IVF, however, the surgical removal of a chocolate cyst may improve fertility.

Does endometrioma removal affect fertility?

Surgical excision of endometrioma may cause ovarian reserve to be reduced in a short time, which may delay achieving pregnancy (37-39). In cases of bilateral endometrioma, there is a higher risk of premature ovarian insufficiency following cystectomy.