Dr. Arindam Sarkar
MS, M Ch (Plastic Surgery)
Consultant Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Arindam Sarkar, is a National Scholar with brilliant acamedic carrier. He has graduated from Medical College, Kolkata and completed his Master of Surgery from the same Institution. He has done M Ch in Plastic Surgery from IPGME & R, Kolkata. He is Associate Professor Department of Plastic Surgery SSKM Hospital IPGME&R, Kolkata and visitng plastic surgeon of AMRI hospital and Woodlands Hospital, Kolkata.
Dr. Sarkar is a member of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and West Bengal. Formerly secretary and treasurer of Association of Plastic Surgeons of West Bengal.
Dr. Sarkar has proven interest in Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, he has acquired expertise in different cosmetic surgeries like Hair Transplant, Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Breast Surgeries, Different Facial Cosmetic surgeries, Anti Aging Treatment of Face and Laser Cosmetic Treatment etc. |
Spend initial childhood in Guwahati and Sambalpur in Orissa
Schooling - Ballygunge Govt High School and St Xaviers College
MBBS - Medical Collage Kolkata 1987
MS - Medical Collage Kolkata 1996
MCH - IPGMER SSKM Hospital 2002
National Scholar in School level, award in national science talent search
and Junior class assistant surgery in Medical College.
Former Secretary and Treasurer of Association of Plastic Surgeons of West Bengal.
Proprietor of Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Centre.

Awards -
At present the author is Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, SSKM Hospital IPGME&R, Kolkata and visiting Plastic Surgeon of AMRI hospital, Dhakuria and Woodlands Hospital, Kolkata. Dr. Sarkar is a member of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and West Bengal. Former secretary, at present treasurer of Association of Plastic Surgeons of West Bengal.